About Dot and Dabbled
I’m not really blogging anymore, but this site is still up because it has some great projects and inspiration. Enjoy!
Dabbled is a place for creativity and experimentation. The tagline “Experiments in Art, Craft & Food” says it all. You’ll find artwork, craft projects & designs, tips & tutorials–both original, and links to other great stuff from the vast internets.
Dabbled is the brainchild of Dot, my alter-ego who obsessively creates. She’s a starter of many projects, and finisher of maybe one or two when she feels like it. She loves to design craft projects that can be done with a minimal investment and minimal skill. Probably because she’s notoriously cheap, she likes to create nifty things out of junk… figuring out ways to use interesting materials, like upcycling old sweaters into Elephant Purses or making her own “shrinky dinks” out of #6 plastic. And I have no idea why, but she really has a thing for robots.
Me? I’m an artist, web designer & geeky craft chick who is currently trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up.
Thanks for visiting!
Nancy (aka Dot)
dot [at] dabbled [dot] org
PS – If you’ve done something based or inspired by a dabbled design, let me know! Or if you just have something cool to share…
Product Reviews & General disclaimer
If you’d like me to review a product or shop, I will consider it if it fits with Dabbled. Email with details. Mailing address available upon request. However we don’t sell our opinions, and if we don’t like something, we’ll either say so, or decline to publish a review.
I have an Amazon Associate account and will occasionally link to products on Amazon using it.