Connecting and other housekeeping.

Twitter dark sideHere’s some general housekeeping I figured we needed to get around to covering!

Before we start, a reminder to check out all the MSCE April participants — we’ve had some new joiners in the last week. See the list here.

Connecting with Dabbled – All that social networking stuff:
I generally roll my eyes at the phrase social networking, but I will admit I do quite enjoy twitter, and I have managed to get a small Dabbled presence up on Facebook.

Twitter: If you’re on Twitter, feel free to friend me (DotatDabbled).. I can’t friend everyone back (but occasionally I do!) but do message me and introduce yourself.. You’ll find out when new Dabbled posts are up, I post cool links that may not ever make it to Dabbled. Plus just my random musings and pics of my child covering himself in masago. (PS, if you use twitter, I totally agree with Craftypod’s assessment of how to manage twitter) Oh, and if you have a love/hate relationship with twitter, feel free to grab the Come to the Dark Side twitter bird, here.

Facebook: Just started a Dabbled group on Facebook, so if you’re on Facebook, do join, and invite your friends! I post some cool crafty links there (right now I’m featuring those participating in MSCE April). And you’re welcome to post your own links, pictures, or whatever… And if you don’t blog, this is a great way to share your stuff with me and the Dabbled readers! It’s a really small group right now, so I’m not sure where it will go, but I’d love to have more of you guys really involved, especially those who are really into facebook. (PS, you can also find me on Facebook in my artist guise, here. I haven’t done much with this yet, but do join if you like to follow my art, and I’ll try to keep it interesting!)

Flickr: I’m Dot D and the Dabbled Group is here. I’ve met a ton of cool people by friending them, or them friending me, on flickr… and it’s really easy to join the Dabbled group and share your projects there with other Dabbled readers.

I think that’s the limit of my ‘social networking’.. if you’ve got something else you recommend, let me know!

Keeping up with Dabbled and it’s offshoots

Of course you can always follow the Dabbled RSS feed (and if you follow many blogs, you DO need a feedreader, seriously–I recommend Google, cause they aren’t evil, right?)

… and I sometimes add secret messages, prizes, and such to the bottom of the feed, so if you’re reading this on a feedreader right now, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom.

If you want to see even more of my cool links (plus stalk me, if you’re not on twitter) you can check out my link blog here, or follow it here (RSS)

And of course, my Art Portfolio is here, for those who like that kind of thing.

Supporting Dabbled
I do this site because I really enjoy it, but it is nice to make a few bucks to pay the bills and keep the site going.. Otherwise I’ll have to really go get a real job and who wants that? How would I keep you amused and challenged?

So if you want to support Dabbled, there are a couple of easy things you can do.
– Like something I posted? Link to it, share it with your friends! And you are welcome to use one of my pictures as long as credit/link back given.
– Buy Nancy’s Art. Prints, originals, and commissioning information is here.
– Buy Dabbled stuff. Actually, you can’t right yet. But that is in the works. I’ll keep you posted! If anyone has any ideas, let me know!
Dabbled Recommends Amazon Store, and buying Amazon through the Dabbled links. (I just started playing around with the store, mostly to save off links to cool stuff I wanted, or wanted to recommend. If you have suggestions of products I should feature, do let me know!) It’s not much, but if you’re buying anyway…
– Also in the far right sidebar, buy from iTunes or buy magazines through Dabbled links. Honestly I’ve pulled most of these ads off, because I don’t think they are that effective. But as long as I have them here, if you’re going to buy anyway, go through Dabbled! :)

– oh, and if you’re a rich art patron or someone who’d like to offer me a dream job, feel free to drop me a line!
