How To: Felt M&M Cookies

Yet another fabulous guest post while Dot’s on vacation! This time we have the always creative Melissa from Crafting with Cat Hair. She’s got a fun and simple felt tutorial, that I know you’ll enjoy! Please welcome her, and do go check out her blog, too!

Hi Dot,
Here is my tutorial for felt M&M cookies. Thanks for inviting me to write a guest post. Have a Merry Christmas!

I absolutely love to use felt to make crafts. Not only is it easy to cut and sew, but is super cheap! One 11 x 9 sheet of acrylic felt, which can be bought at your local craft store, costs around 20 cents a sheet.

My favorite item to craft out of felt is play food, especially sweets. I have done plenty of felt sweets over the past several years, so I thought I would share with you a super simple and fun felt cookie tutorial.

Felt M & M Cookie

Acrylic felt – tan for cookie; felt scraps in brown, yellow, red, green, and orange for M&Ms
Embroidery thread in matching colors
Polyfil or stuffing
Starbucks medium cup or a small mug
Lipstick tube


1. Place your Starbucks cup or mug onto the tan felt. Trace around the cup to make a cookie circle (trace two) and cut out circles. If you are planning on making several cookies, it might be best to use tracing paper instead of tracing directly onto the felt. You can reuse the tracing paper shape for all of your cookies.

2. Place the closed lipstick tube onto the colored felt. Trace around the tube for M&M circles (trace five, one of each color). Don’t cut the circles!

3. With white embroidery thread, embroider an “m” onto each circle. Cut out M&M circles.

4. Sew M&M circles onto one tan cookie circle using matching embroidery thread. I used a whip stitch to attach the M&Ms but you can also use a running stitch or a blanket stitch.

5. Sew the two tan cookie circles together, stuffing with polyfil as you go.

6. All done!

You can personalize the cookies however you’d like by adding your child’s name to the M&Ms, omitting the “m” on the M&Ms, making the cookies different flavors, or cutting off a corner for a half eaten cookie.

Thanks, Dot for letting me share with the Dabbled readers this simple and “sweet” tutorial.

Don’t miss the other yummy and fun Guest Posts from this past week!