Easter Ideas: Egg decoration, crafts, food

More Easter EggsJust because something was posted a few years ago, doesn’t mean it’s not still a good idea!  Here are some links from past Easters the I collected…

Link Love:

Pictured above:
1. A really pretty dye job in brianjmatis’s photostream, 2. Simple and Geeky Binary easter egg by Rakka
3. Step by Step How to make Lithuanian Easter Egg by pixelant, 4. Adorable egg planters from amp’ed

More More Easter Photos

Pictured Left:
1. Easter Cookies by the fabulous Hello Naomi (See the Dabbled Interview with Naomi)
2. Love this fabric “chocolate” bunny
3. Got leftover eggs? Make this yummy looking Bacon Egg Salad Sandwich (recipe)
4. The Portrait Easter Eggs mentioned above.

More Linky Easter Goodness