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As halloween party time approaches, start thinkin’ about drinkin’! Fancy or scary, halloween cocktails can really jazz up a party.
<– The Brain Hemorage from TangoPango. Looks lovely doesn’t it? Supposedly tastes good though!
Talk of Tomatoes has several yummy sounding halloween drinks, including this Black Widow. –>
Check ’em out. Added 10/29: Another fun drink from Talk of Tomatoes – The Maggotini!
And wow, this Dark Chocolate Martini sounds decadent from Cook & Eat.
Hostess with the Mostess points us to a great Halloween cocktail guide. Very beautiful presentations. Also, lovely ways to label your halloween drinks.
These are nifty. Label your bottles with spiffy poison labels like these free to download creepy apothecary lables from spookshows.com
Have other halloweeny good cocktails?
Related: All Halloween Posts — Halloween Contest