Last week's Illustration Friday – Impossibility (+ bonus Robot!)

So I forced myself to get out the watercolors today… I missed IF last week, and so you get *TWO*! pictures for today. This first one is what popped into my head based on this week’s theme of “Impossibility”. Well, not much of a stretch, as much of my odd world fits in that category.

“At Least Highly Improbable” –
At least Highly Improbable
c nancy dorsner 2009 , Watercolor on paper

I sketched this next on, after doing the original sketch for the Improbability above, and then did a very quick watercolor job on it. I like the looseness… it’s a good exercise I think. So, what do you like best?

“Boxed In”
In the Box
c nancy dorsner 2009 , Watercolor on paper

PS – don’t forget to vote for my instructable, the Hot Wheels Car Launcher!
Vote here: it’s the 7th one in the list.

I’ve decided to pick several cool IF’s for this week and link them here:

Last Week's Illustration Friday – "Forgotten"

OK, I didn’t forget… But I’ve been off at the beach with little time to sketch, and no ability to scan or upload! I did this little sketch last week — the pail and shovel are long forgotten in the sand, and now this little crab has found them. A different style for me – more of a pencil/watercolor thing.

Illustration Friday - Forgotten