Because I’m a nerd at heart, I tweeted the process of making a blueberry orange tart the other day. For those who happened to miss it on twitter, here is the transcript and the pics!
Note: All pictures taken on my blackberry, so quality is not so high, but you get the idea.
I used my basic blueberry pie recipe, but substituted orange zest & juice for the lemon. I also added slices of orange to the top which candied up nicely for a little different twist.
And instead of doing this in a pie pan, I used a tart pan (I love the one I have, and it’s on sale for half-price at Amazon right now!)
So, here’s the tweets… Click through on the twitpic links to see the pictures!
DotatDabbled – How to make a tart. Live recipe tweet ! #makeatart
DotatDabbled – Mixing flour, sugar, spices #makeatart
DotatDabbled – Blueberries mixed with dry ingred – ready to pour into pan #makeatart
DotatDabbled – The 4 year old helped put some top pastry on..#makeatart
DotatDabbled – And now we wait… #makeatart
DotatDabbled For those following along on #makeatart, here’s a link to the recipe I’m using (modded to fit a tart pan)
DotatDabbled – Oh yeah . Its as good as it looks. Nomnomnom #makeatart
Since I was lazy and didn’t make my own crust, (and my pan is 11in), I had to tack on extra crust from the top crust onto the bottom. Not the neatest job every, but hey, it looks homemade, right!?