Hope you’re having a fabulous weekend… Here’s some fun links to get you inspired for the next week.
Recently Twittered Links:
- ooh! Check out these adorable sandwich ideas… http://bit.ly/T5V1Y
- Thrift Store Halloween ideas http://bit.ly/iQYB9
- Wow. Long but interesting New Yorker article on the impossibility of getting rid of incompetent teachers in NYC – http://tinyurl.com/kjq99o
- Funny article about the dangers of the food police/nanny state. http://www.slate.com/id/2229194/
- New @ Dabbled: Nancy’s art featured in the Museum of Science: I mentioned this was coming s.. http://bit.ly/bztHS
- This looks like a really neat technique for printing on fabric: http://bit.ly/QHMOk
- Found in the Dabbled flickr group: A crochet tennis shoe with severed leg! http://tinyurl.com/knwsrt
- I was having issues with Trackback spam lately, so …Plugins for controlling wordpress spam: http://tinyurl.com/mfj5oa
- Great roundup of weird foodstuffs (includes some of mine!)
- this marinated zucchini sounds fabulous! http://bit.ly/nZIIO
- Clever giftwrap idea: http://bit.ly/QL3s8 Make bows out of old catalogs.
- This paper winebag is really cute. chk out the tutorial here (via @whipup)
- How to make California Rolls at norecipes
- I’m never a big fan of video, but @sisterdiane’s Kanzashi demo is really nice!
- I love this idea for Sticky Note Clipboards at Dollar Store Crafts (@croqzine)