My 5 year old has discovered the world of iPhone games, and loves Angry Birds. So in honor of him, here’s a roundup of some fun Angry Bird things you can eat, play with, or make!
Twitter bud @robynski shares the how-to on making Angry Birds cookies on her blog
Angry Birds Cupcakes at Confessions of a Cookbook Queen
Angry Birds Cake! via Great White Snark … plus you can buy Edible Angry Birds cake toppers.
And a Playable Angry Birds Cake… Really! via Craftzine
Also found at Craft, Make Angry Birds Bagel Sandwiches!
Bento Box Angry Birds by My Mealbox! (via neatorama)
Needle felted adorable Angry Birds tutorial at Craft
How to make an Angry Birds magnet game at Geek Crafts
At Superpunch – Papercraft Angry Birds – download them here.
Angry Bird Plushies at My Paper Crane
Having an Angry Birds themed party? Here’s how to make your own balloons!
and..{Free Printables} Angry Birds Party Printables
Angry Birds in Lego at Craftzine
Just for fun…