The show for the Super Punch Tarot cards is coming up – and I’m excited to have a piece in it!
The Super Punch Tarot
On exhibit: March 5 – April 23, 2011
If you’re in South Florida, be sure to stop by and check it out!
This is the piece that I have in the show
Curated by Super Punch‘s John Struan!
Artwork by an international group of super punchy artists:
Aaron Miller; Adam Koford; Bethalynne Bajema; Brent Engstrom; Brent Nolasco; Brigid Ashwood; Britt Wilson; Casey Weldon; Chris Booker; Daniel Davis; Dave Perillo; Dean Reeves; Eliza Gauger; Eric Orchard; Eric Wirjanata; Franco Brambilla; Geoff Trapp; Heather Hudson; J.Shea; Jason Chalker; Jerrod Maruyama; Joseph Game; Kat Brunnegraff; Katy Hargrove; Ken Turner; M. S. Corley; Mario Graciotti; Meghan Murphy; Melita Curphy; Mindy Lee; Nancy Dorsner; Patricio Oliver; Roman Laney; Rosemary Travale; San Smith; Santiago Caruso; Simon Page; Stephanie Buscema; Sven Ruthner; The Beast Brothers; Thomas Allen; Tyler Landry and MORE!
Bear and Bird Boutique + Gallery
inside/upstairs at TATE’S inc.
4566 North University Drive / Lauderhill, Florida 33351
Phone: 954-748-0181 /