Update on Dot, in which I make excuses, give you a new recipe, and make some book recommendations.

This last month with the holidays and lots of web design work has been a total mess for me.  Work & family has kept me really busy, so I admit I’ve been neglecting this poor little blog!

I do have a bunch of cool pics to show you guys from halloween (I assume you still want to see the awesome food and costumes, even if I am 2 months late?), plus some cool stuff for xmas coming up.  I’ll really try to be better this month!  I also have a cool giveaway coming up, as soon as I put the post together, so stay tuned for that.

And I’ve been trying to get in shape (a better shape than round) and I’ve been working out 4 times a week (that’s going from 0 times per week, so you see it is a bit of a change)–I’ve been doing FitWit for the last 2 months, which I’m really liking… well, as far as Dot could like anything related to exercise.  And now, this month I’m try to actually add eating healthy into to mix and see if I can lose five pounds by the end of the year.

Roasted Chicken Cast Iron with Roasted Cumin Cauliflower

Oh yeah, I promised a recipe:

Speaking of eating healthy, I posted a great roasted chicken and roasted cauliflower dinner over on Foodwhirl — super easy and tasty and healthy.  If you have any recipes I should check out, let me know, or post them to Foodwhirl too!

And book recommendations:

It seems to be the fashion these days, at least in my intown Atlanta circles, that everyone belongs to a wine… er I mean book… club.  So I figured you guys might like to know what I’ve been reading, and maybe you have some suggestions too?  Cuz that would be awesome, I need some new books to read!  :)

So for book club, we’ve read both of these lately, and both of which I’ve enjoyed:
Gone Girl: A Novel     Where’d You Go, Bernadette: A Novel

Very different books, but both excellent reads…  And good ‘book club’ books with lots of discussion possibilities.

Not for book club, but because I needed more stuff to read and libraries exist, I’ve also been reading this:

(The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making)

Which I’m totally unsure of how to describe, but it inspired the title of this post. It reminds me of Alice in Wonderland (or maybe the Wizard of Oz), and I read it, then promptly started reading it to my 7 yr old son for a bedtime story (although the language is definitely on the high end of child reading comprehension). I have no idea if you would like it, but read the first page, and you’ll know if it’s your kind of book.

I’m a big fan of Young Adult Fiction, so I’ve also recently read The Maze Runner which was an interesting apocalyptic YA book with a boy hero, and The Scorpio Races which I also liked.  And because I managed to check it out on my Kindle from the library (which you can’t ever find any books ‘in stock’) I got The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, which I’d never heard of, but it was a pretty interesting fantasy book with a female heroine.  Not a ‘oh my god awesome’ book, but a nice read.

So, you have any suggestions for me?

PS as always, support Dabbled for nothing by using my affiliate links above if you wanna buy these books!