Star Wars Halloween

Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?
Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?

Halloween seems to bring out the Star Wars Geek in all of us, and with the new Clone Wars series, all the kids have rediscovered it as well. So classic or the new animated series, or even (shudder) Eps 1-3, we should totally have a Star Wars Halloween!

To start off, Heather brings us this adorable stormtrooper she made last halloween.  For info on making this yourself, see the bottom of this post…

Another really cool one that I found turned out to be by Sarah at Craft Critique. How cool is this R2 D2 (Using an Ikea hamper and a bike helmet!) See a video of the costume in action here! (Pictured below)

Here are more ideas and tutorials I’ve culled from around the web. So if you’re looking for a Star Wars Halloween, check these out!  Some are really easy, some VERY complex, but hopefully these will get the ideas going.  And if you have more links to add, leave them in the comments!


More Costumes:

R2D2, Deathstar Pumpkin, Lego Leia, Darth Talon*
R2D2, Deathstar Pumpkin, Lego Leia, Darth Talon**

And More Star Wars! (not necessarily halloween)

* Heather’s Stormtrooper costume:   She gives the basics on how she started on it here, so read that first. Then she used the paper towel rolls and oatmeal container for the base parts with paper mache over them and sculpted the helmet. She used other bits of paper and cardboard for the embellishments – on gloves, belt, knoby things on thigh plate. Straws cut in half became the “ribs” on the centers of the leg and arm plates. Then Heather painted everything white. She glued white felt on the back sides of the pieces, then used velcro to attach them! Very clever!

**Click through to read more..  1. R2D2 Costume, 2. Death Star Pumpkin, 3. LEGO Princess Leia, 4. Darth Talon

If you missed it, check out yesterday’s cool tutorial on making some great outdoor halloween decorations!
All Halloween Posts

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