Have you figured out your costume yet? A couples costume? For you? For your kids? Well, here’s more inspiration and tutorials! (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)
- The Swell life has a fun take on a Deviled Egg costume.
- A great tutorial on making costume armor out of felt! Perfect for your little knight… (via Craftgossip)
- Easy/Cute Baby Costumes (via Craftgossip)
- Homemade Exoskeleton
- A little Elvis! at Geekcrafts.com.
- Geekcrafts also brings us the ever popular Yip Yip Aliens from Sesame Street! (I actually like this version, which we saw at last years dragoncon, better — And there is an instructable to make your own, here.
- An adorable gnome, found at Craftzine
- And how to make your own sushi headdresses, also from Craftzine.
- Make quick homemade character costumes for kids (in this example Boba Fett, but good principles for any similar costume)
- Pippi Longstocking Braids
- Egyptian costume how to at Craftster
- Jeff sends us this fun list of 50 Cheap and Easy Halloween Costumes for Adults & Children – I love the idea of the Progressive Insurance girl!
If you missed it yesterday: Halloween Costumes, Star Wars Style!
From my own photo collection, here are some other great (mostly homemade) costumes from parties of years past, for your inspiration! Click to see larger…