Another Halloween Creepy Decor Tutorial & Printables: Ghost Portraits

Halloween Decor: How to make Super Creepy Photos (Photoshop Tutorial & Printables)

Halloween Food: Dot’s Mozzarella Eyeballs

Braaains! Salmon Brain Dip every Zombie would just die for.

Geeky Halloween: Incredible Homemade Weeping Angels

Daphne (Scooby Doo) little girls costume

BRAAAAINS! Conehead Zombie… PvZ costume

Make a Hogwarts scarf out of old sweatshirts (Harry Potter, Halloween)

Harry Potter Themed Halloween Ideas

Halloween Costume: Draco Malfoy, The Littlest Death Eater!

Mr. Freeze Costume (Halloween 2010 Video)

Skull Cake with Worms and more for Halloween Next year

Halloween treat: Bloody Baklava

Halloween Zombie t-shirt and more halloween clothes for kids..

DIY Halloween Costume Ideas, old and new

Scary Halloween Cocktail Ideas